Membership 2015 It's that time of the year again; Sarsfields 2014 membership expires on 31/12/14 and 2015 membership is due from January 1st. Gym fobs will be deactivated on January 31st.
There will as usual be a dedicated Membership Registration weekend on Friday January 23rd (8 – 9.30pm) and Saturday 24th (11am – 1am) however you can now pay your membership in the clubhouse on Monday Wednesday and Friday nights from 8-9pm.
In order to be eligible to play Gaelic games with our or any club a player must be registered with the GAA. Club membership gives automatic registration with the GAA, this rule will be strictly enforced in 2015 – you must be a member to play or train. Members wishing to be eligible to vote in the 2015 AGM must be paid in full by March 31st 2015.
Membership Type Required & Rates.
Full Adult Membership €100
Full Adult Student Membership (those in full time education) €60
Full Family Membership** €130
Full Adult Retired Membership €50
Youth Membership (under 18*) €50
Overseas Membership €50
Gym levy supplement (must be over 16)*** €50
Cumann na Sairséalaigh levy supplement (over 18)# €100
*under 18 years of age if member has not turned 18 by 31 December 2015.
Prompt payment of membership helps Sarsfields to provide the players insurance scheme, lighting, pitches, dressing rooms, equipment, showers, etc. for all.
It is our club, it is up to each & every one of us to pay & play our part. Don't leave it up to a few to subsidise you.
All Gym Fobs are now deactivated.
Please note all memberships must be accompanied by a completed membership application form which can be obtained from the club or downloaded from the club website
Sarsfields 2015 membership cards and stickers are now available – if you have paid your membership and not yet received your card(s) and sticker(s) you can collect them on either Friday (Feb 27th) from 8-9.30 or Saturday (Feb 28th) from 11-12.
If you need any further information please contact Kathleen (Ollie) Ryan at 086-2641115 or Christy Horan at 087-9249884.
Best Wishes Sarsfields GAA send their best wishes to Paddy O’Leary who is unwell at the Minute we wish him a speedy recovery.
Room for rent. Sarsfields GAA have a room available in the club for rent. Suitable for many types of businessand also is kitted out with numerous power points and internet connection. For further information contact club Secretary on 087/660603
Used Football & Hurling Gear As the club Equipment officer it is my aim to raise funds whenever possible, to ease the cost on the club on buying training equipment. Over the next few weeks I will be trying to collect as much gear as possible and then sell it for a small fee on a Saturday morn at the Academy. What we need, Boots (all sizes), Helmets, any O’Neills gear, Jerseys, Hoodies etc. Any Monies made from this will be used to buy training gear for the club. I will start to collect on Saturday morn coming 29th Mar, so if you are attending the Academy or you can call in with some used gear please leave it in the shop. For further info you can contact Seamus McGann 087/2039726. Thank you, every bit helps!!
Calendar 2015 The Club Calendar is now on sale in the club shop. Some great pictures of the year gone by. Please support thank you.
Exercising of Dogs The Club Officer board has received a complaint from a Parent over a child returning home from training with Dog fouling on their nicks. Due to this it is now forbidden to walk or exercise a Dog in the area of pitch 2, 3 and 4. If you wish to bring a dog to the club it must be kept on a lead at all times and remain on the hard standing that surrounds the area of the main pitch. In the event of the Dog fouling it must be picked up placed in a bag and put in the nearest Bin. We thank you for your help
Club Shop The club shop is stocking a large range of casual and training gear for all ages. The shop will be open on sat mornings from 11am and for any more Information you can contact Angie on 086/0762710
Looking for old Photos and old Club Records The Club are looking to build on its already large collection of photos and especially with some older Photos of teams or individuals. Also we are trying to put together as much Records as is possible from days gone by ie. AGM Reports, secretary reports, match reports and any match Programes. Any material that is given to the club will be given back in the same order. If you have any and would like to share them with the club you can contact Seamus McGann Club PRO at 087/2039726 or E-mail
Second Hand Clothes Collection The club is still collecting second hand clothes and you can hand in your clothes in the morning or the evening when the club is open. For further info you can contact Christy on 087/9249884
Building up our Communications The club is all the time trying to build up its Twitter and Facebook accounts and of course our E-Mail contact list. You can follow us on Twitter; @sashproshea, Find us on Facebook; sarsfieldsgaanewbridge. Dont forget to visit our website for up to date Information on
Function Rooms There are 3 Function Rooms available in the club which can cater for big and small Functions, Weddings, Christenings, Birthdays, Funerals, etc. Enquiries to Shirley (086/8568830)
Club Lotto The club would like to thank all those who support the Lotto and would like to encourage all its members to participate in the weekly Lotto draw. This can now be done by going on to the Sarsfields web site and clicking on the (play lotto now) link, then follow the step by step instructions.
Lotto results for Monday 2nd March 2015. Numbers drawn: 3, 5, 6, 10,
No Jackpot winner, Jackpot €12,000:
Winners of the Bonus Prizes;
€100; Tom Dempsey c/o Mick Ward
€40; Ann O’Neill
€40 Hailey Moran
€25 Rod O’Sullivan