Ladies AGM Sarsfields Ladies GAA will hold their AGM on Thursday 18th December at 8.00pm in the Roseberry room in Sarsfields. Nominations for Club officers, Chairman, Secretary and PRO can be emailed to Eddie Manning at or by contacting any of this years Committee.
It would be great to see a big turnout and all Members are welcome.
Club Night 20th Dec. On Saturday coming the 20th December the club is holding a night out for all its working members from throughout the year. There will be a raffle on the night with some great prizes to be won. We will also have plenty of Christmas songs from our resident DJ.Tony McConnell. Looking forward to seeing you all there.
St. Stephens Day Fun Match There is going to be a Fun game of Gaelic Football in Sarsfields on St. Stephens Day. This promises to be a good bit of craic and anyone can get involved. The Bar will be open after the match and no doubt the slagging will be good after a few beers. Throw in is at 12.30ish. We can split teams into over 35’s v rest of the world? Married v Single. Hopefully some of the Ladies who played in this years Leinster final might come out, as they will probably show the men how its done.
Also the Premier League Matches between Man Utd V Newcastle (15.00) and Arsenal V QPR (17.30 If u can still see) will be shown live.
Looking forward to seeing you there. Bring the Boots and the wallet!!
Support your Club.
Lotto Tickets for December Any Lotto Ticket that is purchased in the club lotto draw for the 1st, 8th and the 15th of December that does not win a prize will be put into the drum for a Christmas draw on the 20th of December which is our club night. There will be a number of prizes on the night which will also include 7 Meat Vouchers valued at €50 each.
80s Night in the Club 27th Dec The Club will be having an 80s night on the 27th of December and all are welcome. It promises to be a great and all members and former members are welcome. If you feel like dressing up back in the 80s style don’t be afraid as you never know you might win a prize.
Calendar 2015 We are looking for Businesses within the club or outside the club to take an advertisement slot in the new club calendar for 2015. If you are interested you can e-mail for further information.
National Draw The GAA announced its second national club draw which was launched in Croke Park earlier this week. The draw itself will take place on 27th February 2015 at Congress. The cost of each ticket is €10 and while all of the prizes are provided by the GAA at central level, the proceeds from each ticket sale stays with the selling club so for every ticket sold your club keeps 100% of the funds.
This draw will provide Sarsfields GAA club with excellent opportunity to start 2015 off on the right foot financially if we can sell a large number of these tickets. Your support in this draw would be greatly appreciated.
All sold tickets will have to be returned by 24th January 2015 giving each club a 14 week period to sell the tickets plus the added bonus of the festive period which should also help sales.
Main Pitch Now Closed The main pitch has been resodded and is now closed for the foreseeable future. Also there will be ongoing repair work on pitch 2 and 3.
Club Shop The club shop is stocking a large range of casual and training gear for the Christmas. For further Info you can contact Angie on 086/0762710
Looking for old Photos The Club are looking to build on its already large collection of photos and especially with some older Photos of teams or individuals. If you have any and would like to share them with the club you can contact Seamus McGann Club PRO at 087/2039726 or E-mail
Exercising of Dogs The Club Officer board has received a complaint from a Parent over a child returning home from training with Dog fouling on their nicks. Due to this it is now forbidden to walk or exercise a Dog in the area of pitch 2, 3 and 4. If you wish to bring a dog to the club it must be kept on a lead at all times and remain on the hard standing that surrounds the area of the main pitch. In the event of the Dog fouling it must be picked up placed in a bag and put in the nearest Bin. We thank you for your help
Second Hand Clothes Collection The club is still collecting second hand clothes and you can hand in your clothes in the morning or the evening when the club is open. For further info you can contact Christy on 087/9249884
Building up our Communications The club is all the time trying to build up its Twitter and Facebook accounts and of course our E-Mail contact list. You can follow us on Twitter; @sashproshea, Find us on Facebook; sarsfieldsgaanewbridge. Dont forget to visit our website for up to date Information on
Function Rooms There are 3 Function Rooms available in the club which can cater for big and small Functions, Weddings, Christenings, Birthdays, Funerals, etc. Enquiries to Shirley (086/8568830)
Club Lotto The club would like to thank all those who support the Lotto and would like to encourage all its members to participate in the weekly Lotto draw. This can now be done by going on to the Sarsfields web site and clicking on the (play lotto now) link, then follow the step by step instructions.
Lotto results for Monday 15th Dec 2014. Numbers drawn: 6, 15, 21, 23,
No Jackpot winner, Jackpot €12,000:
Winners of the Bonus Prizes;
€100; Stephen Byrne
€40; Vincent Meredith
€40 History Group
€40 Pat Ennis c/o S. Wilson
€25; Denis Lahart