Dermot Earley Academy Sarsfields GAA would like to thank Mick Byrne and all his staff for their time and commitment throughout the year. It is a huge task to coach Kids and to organize Football and Hurling Blitz and also to ensure all kids are getting good game time on the pitch. There are over 450 Kids involved in the academy and that number is growing all the time due to the hard work been put in, and of course not to mention the testing of the patience. Once again they finished off with a Halloween party on Saturday 25th, which as usual was a great event. If you visit our Facebook or Twitter Pages you can see some great Photos.
Best Wishes to Tony Donoghue who is unwell at the Minute and we wish him a speedy recovery
The Cube As you may know the club are hosting a major fundraising night on the 22nd of November in the club house. We are presenting our version of the TV show called THE CUBE.
Can you beat the cube and walk away with the winner takes all prize of €5000.
How it works
40 contestants = one winner = €5000 winner takes all.
8 groups of 5 contestants. Top two contestants from each group go through to a group of 16. After further rounds 16 becomes 8 and 8 becomes 4. The final 4 compete against the clock. The winner walks away with €5000.
How you enter; Entry fee is €300 payable as an upfront cash payment and also the sale of 15 x €20 entry tickets
Entry tickets include free entry into a raffle for top a prize valued at €1000.
(You can Contact us for ideas on how to raise your entry fee)
Contestants from outside the club are welcome. Why not enter a team mate or coach and win the money for your team or section?
Why not take part in aid of your favourite charity?
For further details phone 085 1852093 or PM us on our Facebook page TheCube At SarsfieldsGAA
Dermot Earley Leadership Course Well done to Sara Holden, Gemma Hartnett, Aisleigh Ward and Niamh Carey who Graduated in Galway University on Saturday 18th October. The Course was run over a period of 18 Months and along the way the Girls had to do different Projects like Fundraising, Organising events and other tasks. A great achievement for the Girls.
Football Hard Luck to the Senior Team on Sunday in the County Final. Well done to the U/15 team who beat Moorefield in the League on Sunday 26th.
Ladies Football Hard luck to the Intermediate Ladies who Lost out to Kilmacud Crokes in the Leinster Club Final on Sunday. It was a great achievement to reach the Final and well done to all involved.
Looking for old Photos The Club are looking to build on its already large collection of photos and especially with some older Photos of teams or individuals. If you have any and would like to share them with the club you can contact Seamus McGann Club PRO at 087/2039726 or E-mail
Gym Well done to Gary Whyte, Keith Brown and the rest of the crew that gave a hand out in the upgrading of the Club Gym. The Gym looks great now after been redecorated and with the upgrading of the equipment it will benefit all gym members in the club
Exercising of Dogs The Club Officer board has received a complaint from a Parent over a child returning home from training with Dog fouling on their nicks. Due to this it is now forbidden to walk or exercise a Dog in the area of pitch 2, 3 and 4. If you wish to bring a dog to the club it must be kept on a lead at all times and remain on the hard standing that surrounds the area of the main pitch. In the event of the Dog fouling it must be picked up placed in a bag and put in the nearest Bin. We thank you for your help
Used Football & Hurling Gear As the club Equipment officer it is my aim to raise funds whenever possible, to ease the cost on the club on buying training equipment. Over the next few weeks I will be trying to collect as much gear as possible and then sell it for a small fee on a Saturday morn at the Academy. What we need, Boots (all sizes), Helmets, any O’Neills gear, Jerseys, Hoodies etc. Any Monies made from this will be used to buy training gear for the club. I will start to collect on Saturday morn coming 29th Mar, so if you are attending the Academy or you can call in with some used gear please leave it in the shop. For further info you can contact Seamus McGann 087/2039726. Thank you, every bit helps!!
Second Hand Clothes Collection The club is still collecting second hand clothes and you can hand in your clothes in the morning or the evening when the club is open. For further info you can contact Christy on 087/9249884
Building up our Communications The club is all the time trying to build up its Twitter and Facebook accounts and of course our E-Mail contact list. You can follow us on Twitter; @sashproshea, Find us on Facebook; sarsfieldsgaanewbridge. Dont forget to visit our website for up to date Information on
Function Rooms There are 3 Function Rooms available in the club which can cater for big and small Functions, Weddings, Christenings, Birthdays, Funerals, etc. Enquiries to Shirley (086/8568830)
The Club Shop Because of the upcoming finals the shop will be selling Flags and bunting and also Sarsfields gear so if you need anything please contact Angie. The Shop opens every Sat morning from 11am to 1pm or you can contact Angie Byrne on 086/0762710. Also the Shop will be open from 8-9pm on Tue and Wednesday of this week.
Club Lotto The club would like to thank all those who support the Lotto and would like to encourage all its members to participate in the weekly Lotto draw. This can now be done by going on to the Sarsfields web site and clicking on the (play lotto now) link, then follow the step by step instructions.
Lotto results for Tuesday 28th Sept 2014. Numbers drawn: 9, 10, 11, 28,
No Jackpot winner, Jackpot €12,000:
Winners of the Bonus Prizes;
€100; Denise Heffernan
€40; Pat O’Conner
€40 Bill Sex and T. Slattery
€40 Gemma Readdy
€25; Ester McCauliff