Upcoming Bar Events On Saturday 8th March the Club Bar will open at 2 O Clock in order to show the Rugby match between Ireland v Italy, following that we will be showing the Premier League match between Chelsea v Spurs, this will then be followed by the game of the day between Kildare v Dublin from Croke Park. Also coming up in the club on Sunday 16th of March we have the Rubbers playing from 9.30 till close which promises to be a great night. Come out and support your club.
Fixtures Sat 8th March
Aldridge Cup
Sarsfields v Moorefield at 2.30. Venue (TBC)
U/16 Football Div 1
Sarsfields v Clane at 4.15. Venue Sarsfields
Sun 9th March
U/14 Feile A Football
Sarsfields v Kilcullen at 10.30. Venue Kilcullen
Minor A Div 1
Sarsfields v Moorefield at 11.45. Venue Sarsfields
Minor B Div 4
Sarsfields v Raheens at 11.45. Venue Sarsfields
Cumann Na Sáirseálach On Saturday 1st March the club launched its new fund raising Initiative which is known as Cumann na Sáirsealach. All the info on this can be found on the web site www.sarsfieldsgaanewbridge.ie If you are interested in joining this and supporting the club you can contact Vice Chairman John Maher (087/6371285). This is a great opportunity to support your club and help us to develop it more for the future.
Dermot Earley Academy Our underage Academy has recommenced on Saturday mornings for all children between the ages of 5 and 11. Sarsfields have a very successful underage structure and this is due to the hard work and commitment of our underage coaches. As always, at the start of every year we welcome all our new members in to the Academy and we look forward to seeing you. For further Info Contact Mick Byrne (086/8375719) our Academy Co-Ordinator.
Gym Fobs Anyone who had already paid membership and for the Gym Fobs you can now collect them off Christy Horan (087/9249884).
Gym Opening hours Mon – Fri 9am to 9.30pm. Sat 9am – 6pm. Sun 12 noon – 6pm
Flag Day The club has an upcoming Flag Day which will take place on the W/E of 15/16th of March. These events are very Important to the club and will we need plenty of Volunteers to cover the 2 days. If you are available please contact Shea McGann for further Info.
Social Committe The Club are looking to form a Social Committee which will involve the organizing and running of events within the club. For further Info you can contact Shea McGann 087/2039726
Kildare GAA Golf Classic The club are looking to put in a team into this upcoming event which takes place on the 18th April. If you are interested you can contact Camillus Walsh 086/8790408.
First Aid If there are any members in the club qualified as First Aiders and would like to help out when the club is holding events could you please contact the club PRO Shea McGann on 087/2039726 for more Info.
Disco The Sash disco which was to be on Friday the 21st of February for all 1st and 2nd year students was cancelled. The next Sash disco will be on the 11th April and as normal will start at 8pm and will finish at 10.30. If you wish to help out you can contact Christy 087/9249884
Updating of E-mails As PRO of the club it is my responsibility to ensure as many members as is possible is getting Info on what is happening in the club. One of the main avenues for this is the use of the E-mail system. It has come to my attention that there is some members of the club not receiving E-mails. If you are one of the members in this situation please contact me Seamus McGann on 087/2039726 or sashproshea@gmail.com so we can add you to the list. One of the main Club Info E-mails is sent out on Tuesday Mornings between 10 and 12 with the lotto results so if your not receiving this your not on the list.
Membership 2014 Membership is now been collected for 2014. The membership rates remain the same with the exception of the removal of the registration levy applied to female playing members. If you wish to pay you can do so by calling to the Club any Monday or Friday between 8pm and 9.30pm. Also on Saturday from 11am to 1pm. Paying your membership on time is of great importance to the club so we ask all our members to make an effort and pay early. In order to be eligible to play Gaelic Games with any Club a player must first be registered with the GAA and this is automatically done by paying your Membership. In simple terms this means if adult or juvenile players do not pay their membership, they are not eligible to play Gaelic games for the club. The prompt payment of membership helps Sarsfields to provide the players insurance scheme, Lighting, Pitches, dressing rooms, training equipment and much more. The club would like to thank all its 10 year members and to remind them that it has now expired and new membership can be paid as in the times above.
If you need any further Info you can contact Kathleen (Ollie) Ryan at 086/2641115, or Christy Horan at 087/9249884.
Function Rooms There are 3 Function Rooms available in the club which can cater for big and small Functions, Weddings, Christenings, Birthdays, Funerals, etc. Enquiries to Shirley (086/8568830)
The Club Shop The shop is well stocked out with all types of gear both casual and Training, we also have a large stock of Gum Shields for the upcoming season for €5 each. The Shop opens every Sat morning from 11am to 1pm or you can contact Angie Byrne on 086/0762710.
Club Lotto The club would like to thank all those who support the Lotto and would like to encourage all its members to participate in the weekly Lotto draw. This can now be done by going on to the Sarsfields web site and clicking on the (play lotto now) link, then follow the step by step instructions.
Lotto results for Monday 3rd March 2014. Numbers drawn: 10, 21, 28, 29, No Jackpot winner, Jackpot €12,000:
Winners of the Bonus Prizes;
€100; D.J.A. c/o Eric Thorpe
€40; Tony Ryan
€40 Dave and mary Malone c/o Raheens GAA
€40 Pat Ennis c/o S. Wilson
€25; Willie Donoghue