Good Afternoon All,
Best of luck to all our teams in league action this week.
The Dermot Earley Acadmey is on every weekend starting Friday Evening with the underage hurling and camogie training on from 6:30pm, and football on Saturday Mornings from 9:00am. All new members welcome.
Upcoming Events: Sarsfields G.A.A. on behalf of the Kildare Relay For Life for the Irish Cancer Society are holding a fundraising Social Night on Saturday 18th June in the Club house, with a Line Dancing Exhibition, music by the Rubbers followed by DJ and food on the night. Tickets cost €10 and ALL proceeds go the Irish Cancer Society. So please support.
Car draw tickets can still be purchased for the next three draws at a cost of €75, this full amount will go to the club. If you are not in you can't win!!
Our club shop opens every Saturday morning from 11:00am – 1:00pm.
Our Annual Golf Classic will take Place on Friday 15th July more details to follow!!
Any old clothes for recycling are still being collected by Christy Horan, they can be left in the club any morning or in the evening after 8:00pm
There are three function rooms available in the club, to hire please contact Shay McGann 0872039726
For all club happenings check out our Facebook page, twitter, the locat papers and our inhouse notice boards. Or for any further info you can contact me on email
Rgds, Alison Donnelly PRO