
Senior News Mon Feb 10th

November 7, 2018


Senior News Mon Feb 10th

Membership: With activity on the playing field about to resume membership fees for the coming season are now due. This is essential for insurance cover. Family @ €50.00. Adult @ €20. and Juvenile @ €10 may be paid to Treasurer John O’Shea.

Under 21 Football: The under 21’s season failed to start last weekend due to inclement weather. Hopefully the coming weekend will fare better with a game in the west football championship versus the Galtee Rovers/Emly combination at 3pm in Golden. See fixtures elsewhere. Mouth guards are now mandatory in all grades of football and failure to comply with this regulation will result in not being covered by the GAA player injury scheme. The onus is on each player to comply.

GAA National Club Draw: Members are asked to ensure that all ticket stubs are returned to club officers as soon as possible, with the deadline being 20th. February.