A chairde,
Saturday promises to be an exciting day for the club. At 2pm the U21 footballers take on Maigh Cuilinn in the Prairie, aiming to retain their West Board title and qualify for another county final. Then at 7pm, we host our Dancing Fundraiser Battle on the Bay in the Salthill Hotel. 35 performers and 13 organisers have been working tirelessly for the past 2 months and more to put this night together and it's shaping up to to be a fantastic occasion. Not to be missed.
Tickets available from James in the Office from 6pm-7pm each night.
We will hopefully have a number of tickets available at the door on the night but please get down early to avoid disappointment!
Club AGM takes place on the 3rd of December from 7.15pm.
Want to get rid of your old clothes and support the club at the same time???
SKGAA will soon have a clothes bank in place at the Arus which will help our club with fundraising efforts. Please consider holding onto any unwanted clothes until this is place. Thank you for your continued support of our club.
Club Lotto
Numbers drawn 3,5,10,31
No winner this week.
Jackpot now at 10,500. It could be you…….
Play Club Lotto at www.skgaa.ie
The Aras/Priarie was a hive of activity as all groups from U6-u10
> moved indoors for November
> details as follows
> U6 Mondays 6-7 aras
> u7 Mondays 6-7 Aras
> U8 Tuesdays 6-7 Aras
> U9 Tuesdays 7-8 Aras/wallball
> U10 Tuesdays 6-8 Sand area
> U 11s will continue to train Sunday mornings in McGraths Park 10-11
Best of luck to U12 coaches Niall Mannion and Ian O' Donohue taking part in the lipsync battle next week.
U10s put up a great performance against Castlegar in U11 city league semi final last Saturday afternoon.
U11s were waiting for them in the final which would have been interesting. The U11s had a great win in the final rounding off a very productive year for the squad.
U15s had a good win on Sunday afternoon against Oranmore Maree in City league semi and will play Liam Mellowes in the final, details tbc.
U21 Hurling
Hard luck to the U21 Hurlers beaten by Annaghdown on Sunday.
Juvenile Hurling
U6/U8 Hurling
Last sessions before Winter break this week. Junior infants (Boys) Saturday 2-3pm; Senior infants Friday 5-6; 1st class and other boys born 2010: Friday 6-7pm;
U10 Hurling
Under 10 training as usual 7pm Friday in the Aras
U12 Hurling
Training continues for 05/06 on Mondays and Fridays.
U13/14 Hurling
The City and West schools development (03/04 – 1st & 2nd years) will continue for the next three Mondays 27th Nov, 4th Dec and 11th Dec in Loughgeorge from 5.30-7 pm. Gerry Spellman co-ordinating.
Best of luck to Pat Palmer and Paul Creane in the Battle of the Bay this weekend!!!
Ladies Football
The Junior ladies will play Kilkerrin Clonberne in the Shield Semi Final this Sunday at 12pm away.
Don't forget the Árus is the number 1 venue for children's birthday parties. Contact James in the office on 09152733 to book yours today.
Club Gear
It is now possibel to order all you favourite SKGAA gear from our online stores with O' Neills and Masita. See links below:
O'Neills: https://www.oneills.com/shop-by-team/gaa/ireland/salthill-knocknacarra.html
Masita Click here: http://www.masita.ie/html/online-shop/club-replica/salthill-knocknacarra
Keep up to date with news on www.skgaa.ie and https://www.facebook.com/SalthillKnocknacarraGaaClub/ . Also you can follow SKGAA on Twitter @skgaa and Instagram #skgaa
Is mise le meas,
Diarmaid Ó hAodha