News Launch new look official website

November 8, 2018

Welcome to the new look – official website of Sligo Rovers Football Club.

The website has been redesigned to take advantage of the latest in web technology and includes a photo gallery, videos, full league stats section as well as links to Ocean FM’s live match updates on the web.
Other features coming soon include on-line lotto, in association with and a new on-line shop.

A sincere word of thanks to Gary Kelly, Aengus Lyons and Niall Gilligan for technical and design advice and to all those who contacted me offering to help out with content. The spirit of co-operation amongst league clubs is alive and kicking so a hearty thanks to Dermot, of the excellent for his help.

The site simply wouldn’t have happened without Alex Hosking of a patient American, hanging out in Barcelona, who had a lot to put with from the Sligo Rovers webmaster! Any football clubs thinking about a web redesign should contact this man!

Finally, thank you to all those around the world who patiently waited for the new site to go live. In excess of 22000 visitors logged on in March, from Russia to Thailand, America to Australia, proof positive, if it were needed, that the Bit O’Red and are truly global.