

November 7, 2018

St.Patrick's ladies GAA are holding their AGM on Friday night 20th November in the clubrooms Cloneen. This is an opportunity to come and voice your opinion on how the club is going and also learn how much hard work goes into running a successful gaa club. Everyone is welcome and keep in mind you do not have to take on a job if you dont want a job. This is a club for your daughters and maybe you have something to say to help the club run more efficently. All ideas and comments will be taken on board and discussed. Looking forward to seeing some new faces this year.

G40s finish up for 2015
Last Saturday brought the g4o ladies to the end of their year. They travelled to Portmarnock for the annual g4o national blitz. 1700 women were in attendance this year. It is growing at rapid pace on a yearly basis and it is great fun. The girls played 4 games against teams from Dublin, Kilkenny, Cork and Wicklow .The teams were evenly matched this year in that St.Patrick's did not get anything soft but held their own and did the club proud on the day. The girls will rest now for a few months and look forward to another good year next year.

Christmas Idea
Christmas is fast approching and you might be stuck for present ideas so why not get someone a 6 month lotto ticket for €25.