Sean Treacys G.A.A. Notes.
Lucky dip winners
€25 Jim Caplis, Rearcross.
€25 Kathleen & J.J. Ryan, Milestone.
€25 Tom Ryan, Cummer McLoughney.
€25 Shauna Carr, c/o Matt Carr.
€25 Kathleen Daly, Rearcross N.S.
U21 Football
In combination with Emly we fell to defeat to Eire Og Annacarthy in west championship on Sunday 24th on a scoreline of 1-14 to 3-06. We subsequently defeated Rockwell/Rosegreen in the next round on Saturday 2nd March by 5 points. In our final group game we play Galtee Rovers next weekend, details to be confirmed.
Club History – Scor
We request all those that have any articles or old photos related to the clubs activities in Scor to submit to any committee member as we attempt to compile a history of the club, if you wish please email to The closing date for submission has been extended by 2 weeks so we appeal for as much information as possible.
All-Ireland Scor Na nOg
Congratulations to Brian Carey, Patrick Carey and Shane Stapleton on a great performance in the All-Ireland Scor Na nOg final held this weekend in Derry
Membership Insurance
Membership & insurance is now due, payable to Liam Nolan, €50 for players working, €25 for players not working, €10 all other members.
Parish Community Games
Congratulations to the following who won prizes at the Parish Community Games Talent Competition in Lattin-Cullen last Saturday 23rd February. First Place for Solo Recitation – Leona Ryan, Hollyford, First Place for Group Music – Conor Nolan, Aoife Nolan, Paul Nolan, James Rochford and Gillian Lyons. They will go on to represent Tipperary in the All Ireland Final in Athlone in May.
Congratulations also to Alicia Quinlan, Aoíbhann de Búrca Quinlivan who came second in the Group Singing, Aoíbhann de Búrca Quinlivan who came third in the solo singing and Aoife Nolan who came third in Solo Music.
All County Table Quiz