North SH Championship: The Senior Hurlers have been drawn to play Templederry in the first round of the North senior hurling championship. The remaining divisional League and championship draws will be made in the coming weeks. The first round of the SH county league is scheduled to commence on the weekend of the 5th / 6th March.
National Clubs draw: The Nenagh Éire Óg club is participating in the 2016 national club draw and all tickets sellers are asked to return tickets ASAP. The top prize is an Opel Corsa and the other prizes include a trip for 2 with the All Stars next year, All Ireland Hurling and Football Final Packages for 2 (including premium level tickets, overnight accommodation and an evening meal) and travel vouchers. In total there are 14 prizes. This year, the GAA is introducing a specific draw for all clubs who record, account for and sell a minimum of 200 tickets whereby one club in each county will receive a prize of €1,000. A draw will also be take place for all Counties whereby 3 clubs will receive a prize of €5,000 and the Club with the highest ticket sales in each Province will receive a prize of €1,000. Furthermore there will also be a confined draw for €500 specifically for people who enter the draw through the Nenagh Éire Óg club. Tickets are priced at €10 and available from draw coordinator Derek Lillis any officer of the club or committee member. Please support the Blues in this fundraising initiative!
Membership: A reminder to everyone that membership for 2016 is now due and can be paid to any club officer or online. All players and mentors must have membership paid up by the commencement of the playing season. The cost of membership is again very reasonably priced at €25 with a family membership option A priced at €60 and an option B priced at €85.
Volunteer Appeal: With the numbers we currently cater for, there is a huge need and opportunity for more people to become more involved in the day to day running of club affairs so that fresh faces can bring fresh ideas forward. Whether you are currently involved or on the periphery, whether you have skills in administration or coaching, we are actively seeking volunteers to come forward, If you are interested in getting involved in any capacity call 0872850732, contact any club officer or email
Club Lotto: The Nenagh Éire Óg Club Lotto represents the club’s key fundraising initiative. Please consider supporting the Blues by playing our club lotto online
Juvenile club news
Éire Ógres are back: A big welcome and well done to our many new Nenagh Éire Ógres who started their four week camp last Saturday morning. There was great fun had and a fantastic atmosphere in the hall. We can't wait to have you all back next Saturday. This program is open to all boys born 2009-2011. Perfect for junior/senior infants and boys of the age who will start school in September to get active after the long winter, improve their hand/eye coordination and agility and make friends in a safe and fun environment. No equipment is needed, just tracksuit and trainers. Tea/coffee/scones will be provided for parents. Under-6 hurlers who enjoyed last year’s camp so much are very welcome to return to catch up with their friends. The cost is €10 for the month and the boys will be presented with a certificate and a special new design Éire Ógres t-shirt on completion of the course. If you couldn’t make it last week, come along this Saturday from 10-11am. Call or text Shane on 087 6373830 or Catherine on 086 0855165 for more information or to register
Camogie club news
Winter Training: Our winter training continues for all our teams. On Tuesday in the running complex in Ballygraigue there is a session for our under-10, under-12 and under-14 teams from 19:20 – 20:00, for under-14, under-16, under-18 and intermediate from 19:50 to 20:30. There is also a strength and conditioning session on Friday evenings in the complex in MacDonagh Park. Times for this session will be relayed to the players on Tuesday evening. A cost of €2 will cover both sessions. All our teams will be back training soon and mentors will be in contact with the details.
National Club Draw: The club are currently selling tickets for the National Club Draw at a cost of €10. There are fabulous prizes on offer including an Opel Corsa and everyone who purchases a ticket through the club will be entered into a separate draw for €500. Tickets can be purchased through any committee member or by contacting draw co-ordinator Derek Lillis on 086-8614863. Please return all tickets by this Friday.
Registration: We would like to remind anyone who hasn't yet registered to please contact Caitriona Morris (087 7776135) or your team manager as soon as possible.
Tipperary: The Under-14 Tipperary trials were on last weekend. Ella Carey, Abbie Sheedy, Maeghan Morris, Lily O Brien, Naoise McLoone and Sarah Hallinan represented the club at these trails. Best of luck to all the girls involved. The Tipperary Minors played a challenge at the weekend against Limerick in Ballagran. There are five Nenagh girls involved with this Tipperary Panel – Grace O Brien, Hazel McAuiffe, Sarah Quigley, Ruth Hassett and Maeve Coffey. This team will commence its All Ireland Championship campaign on February 20th. The Tipperary Senior camogie team also played against Limerick at the weekend and our own Alanna Morris started her first senior match. This team will commence its National League on the weekend of February 20th.
St Mary's Primary School: Four of our Junior players, Hazel Coffey, Sarah Kennedy, Maeve Coffey and Rita Bourke, returned to their old primary school – St. Marys Convent of Mercy, Nenagh with their winning cups after winning both the Junior A League & Championship. They were very warmly received by both the staff and pupils.