Presentation event – A club presentation event will be held on Saturday 9th March in the Abbey Court Hotel. Tickets costing €30 are now available from any club officers or from any member of the organising committee – Josephine Mackey, Valerie O Brien, Geraldine Quinn and Catherine Gleeson. This promises to be a great club occasion as we honor our victorious 2012 teams and look forward to the 2013 season. We would encourage those people attending to get their tickets ASAP so as to help with planning on the night.
Fantasy Cheltenham – The club is running a Fantasy Cheltenham fundraising event. For €20 you select a horse in each of the first 4 races on each of the 4 days of Cheltenham. Points are awarded for 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th in each race with double points being awarded in the big race each day. Winners will be decided by whoever gets the most points each day and there is an overall prize of €10,000 over the four days. It is very simple to enter your horses either on-line, via email, by text or by phone and full details are on the ticklets which are now on sale. Further information is available from any club committee member or online<>. The website also includes the facility for individuals to purchase tickets online. Anyone, anywhere in the world can participate, enjoy the craic and in doing so help support the club
Membership: Club membership for 2013 is now due and should be paid to any club officer or online at Fees are Adult €25, Under 18 at 1st Jan €25. Family membership A (1 Adult + multiple u18s) €60. Family membership B (2 Adult + multiple u18s ) €85. All players, managers and team mentors must be fully paid up club members.
U6 & U8 Training: Training for U6 & U8s starts Saturday 23rd from 10.00 to 11.00am. New members welcome.
U10 Training: U10 training resumes indoor on Wednesday 27th from 5.30 to 6.30pm. Please wear suitable clothing eg hoodie/tracksuit and trainers.
Community Games: Community Games team training will begin on Sunday March 3rd from 12.00 to 1.45pm and continue until further notice. More to follow.
U14 Training: U14 training continues in the alley Mondays 5.30 and Saturday at 4.00pm.
Reminder: Juvenile Registration Night will take place Wednesday 27th from 5.30-7.00pm. For insurance purposes all players must be members.
Presentation Night for the successful U16 team will take place on Wednesday the 27th at 7.30pm in the Complex. Parents are welcome.
Scor na bPaisti: It was another successful night for Nenagh in the Scor na bPaisti County Finals in Cashel last weekend with a win for the Ballad Group and a second place finish in the Solo Song category. Congratulations to all the girls who performed with distinction on the night. Ballad Group, Caroline Browne, Eva McKeogh, Jenny Meyers, Sinead Long, Orlaith Kennedy. Solo Song, Eva McKeogh. Figure Dance, Caoimhe Connolly, Michele Barry, Sinead Long, Molly Murphy, Naoise Mc Cloone, Orlaith Tinkler, Sarah Hallinan, Laura Nagle.
Camogie Club news:
Our Under Fourteens have resumed training on Saturday mornings in the hurling field while our Under Twelves and Under Thirteens are training Mondays and Thursdays from 5.15pm to 6.30pm. New players are always more than welcome.
Our registration nights take place on the 21st and 22nd of February from 6pm to 8pm. It is €40 for a single player, €70 for two or more players from the one family and €20 for a non-playing member. Club jackets will be available for our Under Twelve players at a subsidised cost of €7.
We have seven players that have made the extended panel for the Tipperary Under Sixteen team. Well done girls and keep up the great work.
Best wishes to Alanna Morris, Aileen Duggan and the Tipperary Under Eighteen team who face Kilkeeny this weekend in the championship.
Our Under Eight and Under Ten teams will be starting back training in the first week of March. Keep an eye on our clubnotes for further details closer to the date.
The Under Sixteens have training Saturday morning in the hurling field at 11:30am.
There will be Junior B training Sunday morning at eleven. Thanks to Derek Lillis who kindly took the session last weekend.
The Nenagh Eire Og GAA Club Fundraising Lotto draws which run on a weekly basis play a huge part in the clubs fundraising efforts. You can now offer your support by playing online and join the growing numbers of players. We currently have online players in Ireland, Spain, Switzerland, USA and Australia. When playing online you will receive the Lotto results and a weekly club news updates by email after each draw has taken place. The camogie club benefits enormously from this and we ask all club members to join at