Membership: Club membership for 2012 is now due and can be paid to any club officer or online at
Sports Prediction Quiz: The club has launched a new Sports Prediction Quiz for 2012. To enter you must select who you think will win each of the 25 different sporting events listed, which are spread over the year from February to November 2012. Each entry costs £10 with prize money set at 50% of all entries, so the more who enter, the higher the prizes. We will keep an up to date list of all the entrants and results of the different events as they happen throughout the year, and announce the winners after the final event, which is due to take place in early November. To enter the quiz, download the form from club website, place on X in one box per question and return to Paul Lillis, Mark Long , Brian McDonnell, any club officer OR via email to before the 3rd Feb 2012. Download the form here: NEOG Sports predition quiz 2012 form
Presentation event: The club is in the process of honouring its successful minor teams (1977,78) and u21 teams (1979,80, 81, 82) who won 6 county final in a row. Details will be announced shortly.