
Weekly Newsletter nb. 1 November 2010

November 7, 2018

Club Notes

  • Information meeting on Tuesday 16th November @ 20:00 on new draft constitution for CYM. Note copies have been emailed those people for whom we have an email address on the database. Text’s have also been sent out for those people for whom we have mobile numbers. Copies will be left in the main bar for anyone who doesn’t recieve them by email.
  • If you know of a member who isn’t getting texts, emails or letters from the club. Please email details to
  • Lotto Participation to date 114. Encourage your friends to paly as 60% of revenues generated go to your section. Support your section and make fundraising easy.
    Section Participants to date
    Bowling 68
    Rugby 22
    Cricket 13
    Soccer 4
    Tennis 6
    Table Tennis 1
  • Why not make a day in CYM on 20th November watch the Ireland vs new Zeland match 17:30 KO in the comfort of the club with complementary cocktail sausages and chips provided and round of the evening with the Celtic Choristers all male choir on Saturday 20th November 2010 @ 20:00. Some tickets remaining contact John Murphy 0872567348 before they are sold out and you’ll have missed a great opportunity to hear these guys sing.