
Weekly Newsletter September 2012 No. 1

November 7, 2018

1. Junior Tennis
Member, Junior Tennis tomorrow 12:30 to 13:30 Coaching by former Ireland nb 1 Rachel Dillon non members €3.5 bring your friends along.

2. Womens Development Rugby

TSC Women’s Rugby are now recruiting. Having already won their inaugural game, TSC Women’s Rugby are looking for new players to join them, so please spread the word. No experience necessary. or contact Dave on 086 8783168


Did you know the prize find is now at €3950. Play online at and click the lotto sction on the top RHS of webpage. Minimum entry €20 gets you 10 plays €2 per ine per week. Fill ou the form in the bar and leave for the attention of Ian Wilson or Eamonn King

4. Joker Draw

Jackpot this week is €400, if your not in you can’t win. Contact ian Wilson.

5. Adult Social Tennis on Thiursday Nights

Thursday night is a one to mark down in your calender as the Tennis courts are hoping with tennis balls. Come down and enjoy the fun. Thanks to Olga Larkin for organising the coach and working hard with Mick Corke in rejuventating the Tennis section. Membership is growing in the section again. ‘Well Done’ from Eamonn King Club president. We could be doing with some more volunteers to help and getting a committer up and running again, please don’t leave it to one/two persons. Please volunteer your time for this great section.

6. Membership

Membership of the club is nearing the 500 mark and before the end of 2012 will have crossed the 500 mark. This is great news. we have plenty of more capicity so please encourage your friends, neighbours to come along and enjoy the atmosphere in the club. the more people that walk up the drive the better out club will be.

7. Fuctions

Don’t forget to promote our facilities for parties. We need the functions to help finance the running of the club.

Yours in Sport
Eamonn King