
Weekly Newsletter September 2012

November 7, 2018

  1. News

    Dear members, after a lenghty lapse in the newsletter I find myself with some free moments. I hope you find this long ovedue newsletter informative. I would like to congratulate the Bowling and Cricket os a successful season and welcome Rugby, Table Tennis, Tennis and Soccer back and wish you a successful 2012/13 season.                                                

  2. If anyone has any news please send it to

    We now have 20 people trained in the Code of Ethics and two children officers (Daragh Larkin and Kevin Carty). Details have been published to the notice boards. We have two ladies left to complete the childrens officer course in September.

    1. Summer camps.

    The summer camps were a great success this year whith some weeks reaching a high of 80 kids in attendance. Thanks to Joan and her staff/volunteers who worked hard over the summer . I would also like to thank the volunteers Olga Larkin, Cora Hamill and Brenda Croke who volunteered their time at registration every Monday. A special thanks you to Olga who stepped in for the last few weeks and made the camp a great success. The next camp will run for the four days over Haloween.

    Testomial from one parent. ‘I just want to say a huge thanks my son  attended your camps a few weeks and days over the summer, he had a great time. Its my second year doing the camp and I found this year very organised and the staff fantastic, the bbq being a huge hit on Friday.’

    2. Brookfield Tennis

    The rental of the courts to Brookfield was a huge success for all parties concerned, revenues from the rental and bar from the venture helped bolster our coffers. Thanks again to the members for welcoming them and making the experience for them a good one.

    3.Tag Rugby

    We welcomed womens tag rugby to the club for the first time in August. The organisers liked the venue so much they extended the rental from the original 4 weeks till haloween on a Monday and Wednesday night.

    4. New Clases

    There are many new clases taking place in the club this autumn.

  • Artzone painting classes
  • Kids Karate
  • Junior Table Tennis
  • Pilates
  • Fitness Classes
  • Yoga 

Check out the website for more details in the Events page. Discounts apply for members so make sure you avail of the discounts.

5. Tennis Update

Adult Social tennis started Thursday 13th September from 19:00 to 21:30. Free coaching provided till Xmas for members. Good reviews from the first night.

Junior Tennis starts Saturday 15th September from 12:30 to 13:30. Free coaching provided for members by Rachel Dillon fromer Irish no. 1. Non members charge of  €3.50

6. Events for your Calender

  • Sun. 23rd Dec. - Main Bar -  Choir  -  8.00pm
  • Sun. 16th Dec.  -  Main Bar  -  Santa Visit  -  4.00pm
  • Sat. 15th Dec.  -  Main Bar  -  Xmas Draw  -  8.00pm
  • Sun 2nd December Sports hall Mass for descesed members and Sun lunch afterwards
7. Corporate Days 

 We Had two corporate days this year which were a huge success. 
Both companies were delighted with the venue and have intimated they will return next year.
  1. VW Day
  2. Car Trawler
Please consider us when you are having your corporate days, we can cater for any event Soccer, Tennis, Tag, BBQ, Disco etc 

8. Rugby News

The rugby section have recruited Eric Miller former Irish International as coach for this year.
They had a good start with a preseason firendly and win last weekend. Best of luck to the new committee for the season 2012/13.
I also heard on the grapevine that the lads have broken the mould and tradition and now have a ladies rugby team.
This is a great development and first for the club.

9. Family Fun Day

As usual the family fun day was a great success despite the inclement weather. We had a good attendace and everyone enjoyed themselves.
Thanks again to everyone for helping and making the day an annual success. Watch out for next year we plan to have a bigger and better day.