Membership: Membership is now due and can be paid to any club officer. Membership can also be paid online by logging onto Membership fees for 2011 are Adult €25, Under 18 as at 1st Jan €25. There are also two types of family membership available this year – Family membership A (1 Adult + multiple u18’s as at 1st Jan) €60 and Family membership B (2 Adult + multiple u18’s as at 1st Jan) €85. All players, managers and team mentors must be fully paid up club members.
Presentation Night: Our presentation night for all successful 2010 adult teams will take place this Friday 11th February in the Hibernian Inn. Medals will be presented on the night to our successful 2010 teams at divisional and county level – Minor hurlers, Junior C hurlers, Senior hurlers and junior footballers.
Photographs: Montage photographic prints of 2010 teams are now available at €10 each. Contact Paul Lillis to place an order.
Weekly notes
November 8, 2018
Scor: The parish Scor Na Paisti final will take place in the complex on Friday the 4th March. For further details contact Mairead Long