
Weekly Notes

November 8, 2018

* OnFriday night a large crowd gathered in our social rooms to celebrateour Juvenile Awards. The large crowd in attendance were entertainedupon their arrival by musicians from the Comhaltas. The awards themselves werehanded out by three county stars Mark Poland, Paul Sheehan, and our own RoryBurns. The individual winners were in Hurling; U12 Player of Year –Matthew McCabe; U12 Most Improved Player of the Year – JosephO’Boyle; U14 Player of Year – Matthew Muldoon; U14 Most Improved Player ofthe Year – Dara McVeigh ; U16 Player of Year – Donagh Cairns; U16 MostImproved Player of the Year – Joseph Cunningham., in Camogie; U12 Playerof Year – Sorcha McCartan; U12 Most Improved Player of the Year – MollyMcAlinden; U14 Player of Year – Rebecca Toner; U16 Player of Year – AnnaRogan. Girls Football; U12 Player of Year – Sorcha McCartan; U14 Player ofYear – Amy McCourt; U16 Player of Year – Anna Rogan. Boys Football;U12 Player of Year – Matthew McCabe; U12 Most Improved Player of theYear – Darragh Tumelty; U14 Player of Year – James McAleenan; U14 MostImproved Player of the Year – Brian Brannigan; U16 Player of Year –Sean O’Boyle; U16 Most Improved Player of the Year – Ronan Barr. Welldone to all our juvenile player’s whom have represented the club throughout theseason. A special word of thanks to the musicians from the Comhaltas, Mark,Paul and Rory for giving up their time to present the awards and Paul King forsupplying the audio equipment.

* Sunday past saw a large gathering in the ClubRooms for the annual over 55 Christmas Dinner. It was a great occasion and afabulous feast of food laid on by the club. The Executive Committee want tothank all those who attended and made it such a great afternoon. A heartythanks to all those volunteers who worked hard on the day to make it success.No one will mind if I especially mention Moira Hawkins who organised the eventto her usual high standard.

*There is a list of Coaching Development course on the website. Anyone wishingto attend a course please contact John O’Neill on 07711737610.

* Mrs Brown is back in a new storyline this Friday 20 and Saturday 21December.  The Saturday show is alreadysold out, as this show is going to be an absolute cracker! Again, there is noreserved seating so its first come first served.  Tickets are available for the Friday nightshow in Walkers newsagents.

* There are someextra club shorts and socks for all sizes available to purchase. There are alsoclub umbrellas for sale if any member is looking for a stocking filler. 

* If anyone is struggling for further stocking fillers thisChristmas then you can get them something of value and to use. We have asolution – A gift certificate for membership Of Castlewellan GAC. Certificateare available for any amount up to the value of the membership. Please contactClub Registrar Ronan King for more details.

* The weekly Castlewellan ACweekly runs continue every Tuesday and Thursday leaving the Club at 7.00pm.

* The numbers inthis week’s lotto were 20, 23, 25 & 27. There were no jackpot and no £20winners this week. Next week’s Jackpot is £5350.