* For the second week running therewas a full house for the second semi final of Castlewellan Does Strictly Come Dancingand again five absolute saw absolutely cracking performances from our dancers ConallCorrigan & Megan Clarke, Paul McVeigh & Andrea McClean, Gerard Keown& Sarah McArdle, Niall Duffy & Chelsea McVeigh and Gavin Burns &Oónagh Rice. Last weekwe asked if they all could deliver to the same standard – of course you did! Theatmosphere was electric with a fantastic mix of Liatriom folk who took over thebalcony, our noisy and wonderful neighbours from Annsborough, a busload of madmen and women transported from Monaghan and the ever graceful and supportingTown folk! What was always going to happen was that whoever went out it wouldbe a huge surprise. In the end Conall & Megan, Niall & Chelsea andGavin & Oonagh went through in the end commiserations Andrea & Paul andGerard & Sarah. It was a wonderful night again and thank you to all thedancers for once again putting in the hard work that make the occasion such aspecial one. Tickets will sell out fast for the Final on Saturday 7 December.The show will start at 8.00pm sharp with the doors opening at 7.00pm. Seatingis not reserved and if you want your seat – get in early and avoiddisappointment. Tickets ticket will go on sale shortly so please watch Facebookand Our Website at www.castlewellangac.com as well as this column.
* MrsBrown was a big hit back at the end of September so much so that she will return!Friday 20 and Saturday 21 December are the dates for the new show. This will bean absolute cracker! Details will be issued shortly re tickets and startingtimes. It will also be like Strictly Come Dancing where there is no reservedseating and it will be first come first served.
*Thank you to all those who attended and participated in the Annual Club MassFor Deceased Members last Friday and made it such a wonderful and prayerfuloccasion. Thank you to Fr McKinley and Fr John Fitzpatrick who concelebratedthe mass. Thanks also to the Choir and to our members who put the mass booklettogether and helped with the organisation and provided tea afterwards.
* The juvenile presentation night will be on Friday 13 December 2013 in theClub.
* There is a list of Coaching Development course on the website. Anyone wishingto attend a course please contact John O’Neill on 07711737610.
* The Annual General Meeting willtake place this Thursday 28 November 2013 at 8.00pm in the club.
* There will be a Christmas floraldemonstration in the club this Sunday 1st December 2013 from 2.00pm to 4.00pmin the Castlewellan club rooms. There will also be Christmas cake decorating.Tickets are £5 and are available from Cunningham Bros and also pay at door onthe day. There will also be light refreshments available. All proceeds will goto the Bridgewater Suite Cancer Centre.
* The winter funcoaching programme for boys and girls will continue in the main gym in StMalachy’s HS Castlewellan on Wednesday and run for six consecutive Wednesdaynights until Wednesday December 11th. The session will be one hourlong: P1 to P4 inclusive will take place from 6pm to 7pm. P5 to P7 inclusiveplus 1st years who are U12 will take place from 7pm to 8pm.
* The weekly Castlewellan ACweekly runs continue every Tuesday and Thursday leaving the Club at 7.00pm.