
Weekly Notes

November 8, 2018

* Castlewellan Come Dancing returnedlast Saturday Night with a bang. A full house saw absolutely first classperformances from all the couples in this first semi final. The heartbreak ofit all was that three couples would exit the competition.  The huge crowd was thoroughly entertainedwhere each couple performed two dances. It was quite clear that everyone workedhard in rehearsals and gave a lot of effort and their time. The night openedwith an absolutely fabulous group dance executed very well by all the dancers. Thatsettled the nerves for everyone. It is always toughest going first. Everyone wouldagree that Conor Cunningham and Caoimhe Toner set the place alight and set a highstandard. Next up was smooth operator Collie Fla and the graceful Nina Cairns. Colliegot flattering remarks from Judge Dredd Shorty Trainor. Collie is of course Shorty’sfavourite – he never drops him! That said Nina was the one that shone! Everyone’sfavourite Rory McAlinden and Michelle Dorans kept the standards up. Afterwards Michellerevealed that Rory was confident of getting through and for Michelle just torelax and enjoy. The confidence of a master! Aisling Murray and ChickerMcDonald served up a hot number from the musical Grease that turned quite a fewheads in the audience. They were the ones we wanted ooh, ooh, ooh. Sorry gettingcarried away. Magiggs is normally running the show but this time very much partof it. Magiggs and Orla Boyle performed to a Robin Thicke number. Thank godthere was no twerking! Jason Croskery and Clare Cleland were last up. Clare wasthe steady partner in this. Jasey smiled his way through the number and Clairesmiled and danced. Note Jasey you need to dance! In the end Rory &Michelle, Jason & Clare and Magiggs & Orla qualified for the final onthe 7 December. This was a great night’s entertainment and we thank all thedancers particularly Conor & Caoimhe, Collie Fla & Nina and Aisling &Chicker who didn’t make it through but contributed to a wonderful night. Nextweek sees the second semi final which will feature Conall Corrigan & MeganClarke, Paul McVeigh & Andrea McClean, Gerard Keown & Sarah McArdle, NiallDuffy & Chelsea McVeigh and Gavin Burns & Oónagh Rice. The pressure ison. Can you all deliver the same standard – of course you will! I will bevoting for anyone who has the surname beginning with McC! There talk aboutabuse of my role! Again all the couples have been working very hard and deserveyour support. Tickets are selling out fast for the second semi final. The showwill start at 8.00pm sharp. Seating is not reserved and if you want your seat –get in early and avoid disappointment. Tickets are on sale in Walkers and areavailable from the club.

* The AnnualClub mass for deceased members will take place this Friday 22 November 2013 at7.30pm in St Malachy’s Church. Can we ask that as many people as possibleattend and as far as possible wear your club colours to the Mass. We inviteeveryone back to the club afterwards for a cup of tea.

* The Annual General Meeting willtake place on Thursday 28 November 2013 at 8.00pm in the club.

* There will be a Christmas floraldemonstration in the club on Sunday 1st December 2013 from 2.00pm to 4.00pm inthe Castlewellan club rooms. There will also be Christmas cake decorating.Tickets are £5 and are available from Cunningham Bros and also pay at door onthe day. There will also be light refreshments available. All proceeds will goto the Bridgewater Suite Cancer Centre.

* The winter funcoaching programme for boys and girls will continue in the main gym in StMalachy’s HS Castlewellan on Wednesday and run for six consecutive Wednesdaynights until Wednesday December 11th. The session will be one hourlong: P1 to P4 inclusive will take place from 6pm to 7pm. P5 to P7 inclusiveplus 1st years who are U12 will take place from 7pm to 8pm. In orderto help speed up registration for the winter fun and coaching programme pleasebring this form to the registration night in the Sports Hall in St Malachy’sHigh School on Wednesday November 6th at 5.45pm for P1 – P4.Registration for P5 – P6 plus 1st years U12 will take place onNovember 6th at 6.45pm. 

* The weekly Castlewellan ACweekly runs continue every Tuesday and Thursday leaving the Club at 7.00pm.