* Congratulations to St Patrick’s High School Downpatrick whowon and retained the Danske Bank Casement Cup Final in a thrilling finalagainst La Salle Belfast at The Dub last Thursday Night. Congratulations especiallyto Sean Hardy, Jake Carville and James McAleenan who were all part of thewinning squad. It is fantastic see our club so well represented on the team andit is a great credit to the lads for the commitment they have shown.
* CastlewellanCome Dancing returns for the second series with the first semi final thiscoming Saturday 16 November 2013. Whilst the group have been lesstroublesome with fewer irritated texts and phone calls to the organiserscompared to last year’s crew, there has certainly been no lack of incident witha couple of girls sustaining bruised or cracked ribs and a Phantom RaspberryBlower even made an appearance one night. Fingers were pointed at ChickerMcDonald but sources tell me Rory McAlinden was the culprit! This weeksees Magiggs & Orla Boyle, Jason Croskery and Clare Cleland, CollieFlanagan and Nina Cairns, Chicker McDonald and Aisling Murray, Conor Cunninghamand Caoimhe Toner and Rory McAlinden and Shell Dorans. Rumour has it thatCollie and Jason will have more make up on than the girls and that Orla will belifting Magiggs rather than the other way round!! All couples are evenlymatched and it promises to be a close call as to which three couples go throughto the final on 6th December. The second semi final will take place nextSaturday 23 November. Dance Instructor Shane Berger has told us he isdelighted with the progress and he wants to put on an even better show thanlast year with a few surprises thrown in as well. If this is the casethen we can look forward to a cracking night’s entertainment as last year’sshow was absolutely brilliant!! Tickets are on sale in Walkers and areavailable from the club – they are going fast please get them early to ensureyou get entry to the club on the night.
The Annual General Meeting will takeplace on Thursday 28 November 2013 at 8.00pm in the club. Please make yournominations for officers and executive committee and any motions to An Runai orleave them in the bar in the social club no later than Thursday 14 November2013. Nominations and motions received after that date or without your namecannot be considered. Please seek the consent of the person you are proposingto nominate and don’t forget to sign the nomination form before returning.
* There will be a Christmas floraldemonstration in the club on Sunday 1st December 2013 from 2.00pm to 4.00pm inthe Castlewellan club rooms. There will also be Christmas cake decorating. Ticketsare £5 and are available from Cunningham Bros and also pay at door on the day. Therewill also be light refreshments available. All proceeds will go to theBridgewater Suite Cancer Centre.
* The winter funcoaching programme for boys and girls will continue in the main gym in StMalachy’s HS Castlewellan on Wednesday and run for six consecutive Wednesdaynights until Wednesday December 11th. The session will be one hourlong: P1 to P4 inclusive will take place from 6pm to 7pm. P5 to P7 inclusiveplus 1st years who are U12 will take place from 7pm to 8pm. In orderto help speed up registration for the winter fun and coaching programme pleasebring this form to the registration night in the Sports Hall in St Malachy’sHigh School on Wednesday November 6th at 5.45pm for P1 – P4.Registration for P5 – P6 plus 1st years U12 will take place onNovember 6th at 6.45pm. Itwould be a great help if you bring the form on the night filled in. The cost ofthe programme will be £6 for 6 sessions.
* The AnnualClub mass for deceased members will take place on Friday 22 November 2013 at7.30pm in St Malachy’s Church.
* The numbers inthis week’s lotto were 14 18, 20 & 24. There were no jackpot and no £20winners this week. Next week’s Jackpot is £5100.
* There are 6 tickets availablefrom the bar steward for this Fridays down strictly dancing in the canal court,priced at £15 each.
* The weekly Castlewellan ACweekly runs continue every Tuesday and Thursday leaving the Club at 7.00pm.