* In the life ofa Club you come across many great characters who are great supporters of theclub. Such people may never have entered the field of play but kicked everyball all the same in support of their club. They also supported the club atmany functions held in the club rooms. No – one could deny that Frank Hanna wasone such character. The title of Honorary Life Member was conferred on Franksome years ago in recognition and in appreciation of his loyalty to St Malachy’sGAC by way of his unbroken attendance/use of the club over the years. Frankpassed away last week after a long battle with illness. It was an illness hefought and bore with a quiet dignity. Everyone who knew Frank would say he wasquiet, gentle and loyal to his family. To his father John, brother James,sisters Carol, Angela and Marie & the Hanna family circle we offer you all oursincere sympathy for your loss. Ar dheis de goraibh a anam dilis.
* This month’sClub Night will take place this Saturday Night 6 July. It is our SummerBarbeque following on from last month’s Mr & Mrs which was a great night’scraic. The barbeque is strictly from 8.30-9.30 so please get there early, bestof all its free. Entertainment this time is Family Fortunes when our SeniorFootballers take on our Senior Ladies in this winner takes all pairing. If lastmonth’s Mr & Mrs is anything to go by, we’ll be in for some bafflinganswers. We also have the music of Tommy Fitz to round the evening off. We willhave drink promotions on the night also.
* CastlewellanGAC are holding a Theatre Week from Monday 8 July to Thursday 11 July from 10am-2pm. The Cost is £40 per child, the cost for2nd and 3rd children from a family is £30 each. Children attending areasked to bring a small packed lunch. This Theatre Arts week seeks to helpchildren gain confidence and develop social skills while learning professionalperformance techniques in a friendly, lively environment. Striking the rightbalance between having fun and learning is the key to success. The classes willbe led by very experienced facilitators who have been or are currently activelyinvolved with professional performance in television, film and theatrealongside teaching. For all those interested there is an open night with the MilliganSchool of Performing Arts on Friday 5th July 7.30pm.
*Following on from recent defeats the Seconds Footballers returned to winningways last Saturday with an impressive away win in the Premiere ReserveChampionship against Bredagh. It was a workman like performance with everyoneputting the shoulder to the wheel. The lads knew a better performance would beneeded and they produced such a performance. Despite The Town’s dominanceBredagh managed to keep in touch with two first half goals. Patience was thename of the game and the Town pulled away in the second half winning by 11points in the end. It was a good shift put in by the lads.
*The Senior Footballers continued their winning ways this time with a good localderby win against near neighbours Bryansford. Before the game there was aminute’s silence which was impeccably observed in memory of Frank Hanna andBryansford’s All Ireland winner Eamon Lundy who both passed away last week.Another good all round performance. Bryansford will rue their missed goalingopportunities which were well saved by Michael Cunningham though at the sametime we missed a couple of chances as well. That said we took our chances whichhelped our cause immensely. A no less performance will be required this FridayNight when we travel to Annaclone who are in the habit of making their homevenue a bit of a fortress.
* This year’sKellogg’s Cúl Camps dates in Down have been finalised. We will be hosting CúlCamp the week of Monday 22nd July – Friday 26th July. The camp runs from 10am -2.30pm daily with a nursery camp running from 10am – 12.30pm daily. Thecamp is open for children who will be entering Primary Two inSeptember to 13 years of age. Kellogg’s GAA Cúl Camps provide boys andgirls with an action-packed and fun-filled week of activity during thesummer holidays which revolves around maximising enjoyment and sustainingparticipant involvement in Gaelic Games. The cost for the camp is£35 for first child (2nd/3rd/4th….£30 each) and nursery camp is £25 perchild. Each child will receive a free GAA kit. You can eitherregister on-line at www.gaa.ie/kelloggsculcamps orregister at the Club on Saturday mornings from 10am – 11.30am Please notechildren whom are attending the nursery camp are unable to be registeredonline.
* The trainingSchedule for the week is as follows; Tuesday 2 JulyNursery, P1 & P2 fundamentals boys & girls and P3 to P6 Boys Football atthe Bann Road 6.30 – 7.30pm. Wednesday 3 July Under 10 and Under 12Hurling 6.15pm to 7.15pm at the Bann Road. Thursday 4 July 6.30pm -7.30pm BannRoad P3-P4 Hurling. Please note there will be no juvenile training betweenSaturday 6 July and Friday 19 July dueto the holiday break. Training will resume again on Saturday 20 July. We willadvertise through our website, this column and Facebook the schedule for then.
* The Attack Fitness Circuitswill continue in The Club on Thursday evenings at 7.00pm. There will also beclasses in St Malachy’s Park on Saturday mornings at 9.00am.
* The weekly Castlewellan ACweekly runs continue every Tuesday and Thursday leaving the Club at 7.00pm.