
Weekly Notes

November 8, 2018

* Over the pastfew months we have been revamping our website. This work is now almost completeand over the next week you will see a new format on the website. This formatwill also include links to the Down, Ulster and GAA Websites. There will alsobe links into some local and national newspapers. We want to continually updateand improve our site and to ensure we provide for all our members.

* The ExecutiveCommittee is pleased to announce the new Senior Hurling Team Manager for 2013will be Paul McCabe. Paul has had given a long and distinguished playing careerwith The Town in both the football and hurling codes. In the last few years hehas an extended playing career and has always lead by example on the field. Weall have no doubt that the enthusiasm he has shown as a player on the field ofplay will rub off on his fellow players. We all wish Paul and the lads everysuccess this year.

* This Saturday Night CastlewellanGAC will host the Marie Jones Play “A Night in November”. This will beperformed by local actor Aaron Hickland. Tickets are on sale from the Club at£10 each. It is anticipated that tickets will sell very quickly as this playhas sold out virtually everywhere it has been shown. Can you please ensure youpurchase your ticket as soon as possible.


* The AnnualAwards Night will be held in the Club on Saturday 9 March 2013. Further detailsof the night will e released in the coming week

* Activ8 will kick off on Ash Wednesday (13thFebruary). All the details of the week one schedule are available on ourwebsite. The activities will bescheduled at various times to meet the needs of all lifestyles and ensure thatthere is something for everyone. Cost to participate in the Activ8 Program is £30 for the entire duration of Lentand this may be paid in two installments For this you can attend as many eventsas you wish. Participants will nominate which charity they wish the organizerto donate towards.

* Well done toMichael Cunningham on his performances between the sticks for Down in the twoNational League outings to date. Although the results have been unfavourable weapplaud Michael and his Down teammates for their undoubted commitment to thered and black. It is clear that the two defeats to date hurt, but it is a youngteam and time is on their side.

* A four week winter coaching programme began on Tuesday(12 February) for all primary school children. It will begin in St Malachy’s HighSchool in the main gym. 6pm to 7pm for P1-P4 and 7pm to 8pm for P5-P7. Theprogramme will be free for all children taking part but they must have paidtheir membership for the 2013 season. Membership can be paid on Tuesday nightin the High School or by arrangement by installments over the 4 weekperiod. Please note that all children must have and wear gum shields duringthese training sessions. Refer to for more information. Allnew members are welcome.

* Thank you to all those coaches who attended the ChildProtection Course on Friday night past and to Liam McGreevy for delivering thiscourse.

* All juvenile team coaching appointmentshave now been ratified by the committee and there will be a meeting of all Clubjuvenile coaches on Friday 22nd of February at 8.15pm sharp. The meeting willlast no longer than 1 hour. Please let John O’Neill know if you are unable toattend.

* Sunday 24March 2013 sees our second annual Spring Lake Challenge. You can registeron-line for the race at www.athleticsni.orgor on the day of the event. Further details will be available nearer the eventtime.

* Membership payments are overdue. Forms are available in the cluband also can be downloaded from our website; Final Payment must be made by 28thFebruary 2013.

* Anyone interested in coaching or helping out with our underageteams please contact John O’Neill on 07711737610. You can never have enoughcoaches in a club. If you wish to help out with a team or just to come alongand help, your assistance is very much appreciated.

* Hurling coaching willcontinue on Thursday evenings at St Malachy’s Primary School at 6.00pm. From6.00pm to 7.00pm coaching will cater for P1 to P4 boys. 7.00pm to 8.00pm willcater for P5 to year 8 boys eligible to play U12 hurling in 2013.