* Has your New Years Resolutionfallen by the wayside? Or has the January Blues left you wanting to get out andget more active. Well for those looking for something new the Club will beorganising Activ8; a community basedHealth and Fitness programme during Lent for everyone 18-80 of all abilities. Activ8 will contain a full programme ofactivities including Running, Walking,Cycling, Hiking, Tag Rugby, Mixed Gaelic Social 7s, Yoga, Circuits, Basketballand much more. The activities will be scheduled at various times to meet theneeds of all lifestyles and ensure that there is something for everyone. Activ8 will begin on Ash Wednesday 13thFebruary, following the last supper of pancakes in the club on the Tuesdayprior. Cost to participate in the Activ8 Program is £30 for the entire duration of Lentand this may be paid in 2 instalments, for this you can attend as many eventsas you wish. An information night will be held in the club prior to thisinitiative, dates for this will follow. Finally the Club will be donatingpart of the profits of this to Trócaire, so by supporting your club andTrócaire you can also get healthier and more active.
* A reminder that membership payments are due by 31st January 2013. Forms are nowavailable in the club and also can be downloaded from our website; www.castlewellangac.comThe Registrar will be available in the Club to accept payments on the followingdates and to discuss payments; Friday 18th, Sunday 20th, Sunday 27th January8pm-10pm. We recognise that the player’s fees may be difficult to pay in oneamount and so the following has been agreed for Adult Players Only. Aminimum of £40 must be paid prior to the end of January 2013.Initial payment must be accompanied by a membership form. Final Payment must bemade by 28th February 2013.
* There will be a registration night starting with a shortpresentation to parents and players on 18 January 2013. There will be in total twojuvenile registration evenings for Children 4 years to12 years on Friday 18thJanuary from 7.30pm and for those aged 12 years 18 years on Friday 25th January2013 again at 7.30pm.
* Anyone interested in coaching or helping out with our underageteams please contact John O’Neill on 07711737610.
* There is a Coaching Course run by the Ulster Council taking placeon Saturday Jan 26th in the Glenavon Hotel in Cookstown. The course is entitled’Thinking Coaches produce Thinking Players’ and includes keynote speaker SeanBoylan and also some practical workshops. Anyone interested in attending pleasecontact John O’Neill or Brian Dougherty. Places are limited.
* The Under 10 hurling team travelled to TheEddie Irvine Centre in Bangor on Sunday morning past and competed stronglyagainst top opposition from St Pauls Belfast, St Johns Belfast, SarsfieldsBelfast, keady from Armagh and Portaferry. Well done to all the lads who reallyput an effort in and worked really hard. The next blitz for this age group ison Sunday February 3rd. Next week it is the turn of the under 12 hurlers to pittheir skills against some of the best under age hurlers in Down, Armagh andAntrim. All parents are encouraged to go along to support the young lads.
* Hurling coaching will continue on Thursday eveningsat St Malachy’s Primary School at 6.00pm for all P5, P6 & P7 and Year 8boys eligible to play U12 hurling in 2013.
* The play ‘A Night In November’ will be showing in St Malachy’s GACon Saturday 16 February 2013. This play has been
* Tickets are now out for the Down Developmentdraw for 2013. The first monthly draw will take place in January 2013. CastlewellanGAC are required to sell 20 tickets. If any of our members wish to purchasethose tickets can you please do so through the Club. Any tickets sold over andabove that then the club will attract approximately 74% of the takings comeback to the club.