* Our instrumental Team shone at the East Down Scor Final last week. Well done to our scór na nóg instrumental grúpa ceoil who have reached the County final after a great showing and second overall in the final. Playing The Rookery (reel) and The Rose in the Heather (jig) the town quartet of Niamh Howell Concertina, Miadhachlughain O Donnell Flute, Ciara Maguire Fiddle and Ruairi Howell Pipes did themselves and the club proud. Well done, maith sibh and best of luck in the County Final.
* The Winter Fun Coaching continues on Monday evenings. Again we encourage and welcome as many parents as possible help with the coaching. The programme will continue on Monday evenings. Please feel free to still come along and join in. The times are as follows; P1 to P4 6.00pm to 7.00pm and P5 to P7 7.00pm to 8.00pm.
* A reminder that the Annual General Meeting of St Malachys GAC Castlewellan will take place on Thursday 29 November 2012 at 8.00pm in The Social Club.
* Finally it’s here. We have been talking about it for weeks. This Saturday night see the first semi final of Castlewellan Come Dancing 2012. The tension is really beginning to show alright. It is understandable when you consider that all the dancers have been preparing themselves for this big occasion for a few months. This column has taken delight at some of the behind the scenes and generally giving them a little bit of friendly stick. Not this week. It has been fun for all those competing as well as hard work. They all deserve the credit for their dedication and commitment. All we need now is for you to come along and see at first-hand what they have been doing. There has been a full dress rehearsal of the show on Sunday past. That in itself will give you an indication of the sort of show to expect and how serious all the dancers and organisers are taking it. There are a couple of big names in as judges. Wait and see! There are a few tickets left for the event on Saturday Night. The last few remaining tickets will go on sale this Thursday night at 9.00pm. The remaining tickets (if any) being sold on Friday Night at 9.00pm also. Entry to the event is ticket only on the night. We need to stress that the show will start at 8.00pm sharp and the seats are first come first served so get there early to get a good seat. Doors open at 7.00pm.
* Can we remind all ticket sellers please ensure that all monies are collected in advance of the last of our 500 Club Draws on Saturday 22nd December 2012.
* Castlewellan AC athletes are running on a Tuesday & Thursday night. They leave from the club at 7.00pm. It will not be long before the 2013 Spring Lake comes round so it is time to get in shape for it